Self-help and useful resources
The websites below have useful guides on common mental health problems, with tips and strategies about improving your wellbeing.
A selection of online resources about anxiety and depression.
A selection of leaflets and guides
A selection of booklets, including leaflets in other languages.

Southwark Carers: one-to-one guidance and support, advice on returning to work and education, and activity groups designed to help carers.
Address: Southwark Carers, 3rd Floor, Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EN Telephone: 020 7708 4497 Email:
Refuge is the largest specialist domestic abuse organisation in the UK and they are delivering domestic and sexual violence community-based services to those living in Southwark who have experienced or are at risk of, gender-based violence including:
- domestic violence and abuse
- rape, sexual violence
- prostitution
- trafficking for sexual exploitation
- stalking and harassment
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- forced marriage
- so-called ‘honour’-based abuse
Refuge supports thousands of survivors on any given day, helping them overcome the physical, emotional, financial, and logistical impacts of abuse and rebuild their lives - free from fear.
They can help by providing the following services:
- Independent Gender-Based Violence Advocates (IGVAs) - provide information, advice, and intensive advocacy for survivors of gender-based violence and abuse
- Sanctuary Scheme - implements safety measures in victim’s homes
- Perpetrators Service - offers opportunities to change through 1-to-1 intensive sessions
- Survivor group work programme - 12-week group which supports women to regain ownership of their lives
- Counselling (in partnership with Bede House) - 16-week 1-2-1 counselling programme for survivors of domestic and/or sexual abuse
- Children’s Therapeutic Support (In Partnership with Bede House) - Qualified Children’s Therapists provide a 1-2-1 12 week play and arts-based therapeutic intervention
Bede House is a leading Southwark charity since 1938. The Bede Starfish Domestic Abuse Project works with people affected by domestic violence and aim to help adult victims of abuse and their children live free from fear.
National domestic abuse support:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline (run by Refuge) is a 24 hour freephone helpline - 080 8 200 0247 (
- Women’s Aid Live Chat is available Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 12pm (
- Hollie Guard is an app that turns a smartphone into a personal safety device by notifying your chosen contact if you're in danger (
- Respect Men's Advice Line offers specific advice and support for male victims of domestic violence (
- Galop work with and for LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence in the UK (
Change Grow Live: holistic support on stopping or reducing drug and alcohol use.
Address: CGL Southwark, 146 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EE
Telephone: 0208 629 23 48 or 0203 404 7699
Email address:
Citizen’s Advice Bureau offers free, confidential advice and information that can help you with any legal or consumer issues. To contact an advisor:
Nation Advice line (England): 0800 144 8848
Available: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays). Calls to Adviceline are free from mobiles and landlines.
(If you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: 18001 then 0800 144 8884. You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it).
Talk to an advisor online
We can usually help between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
London Friend - London-based LGBTQ+ charity offering counselling and group support, including the Antidote clinic for those struggling with drugs and/or alcohol.
CliniQ - holistic sexual health, mental health and wellbeing service for trans & non-binary people, partners and friends.
Spectra - sexual health & well-being services for trans and non-binary people.
Naz - offering sexual health and mental wellbeing support for BAME LGBTQ+ people.
Galop - offering support to LGBTQ+ people experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
Switchboard LGBT Helpline - helpline and chat service for LGBTQ+ mental health and wellbeing.
London LGBTQ Community Centre - Southwark-based community centre offering support and a range of social activities for local LGBTQ+ people.
Metro - charity offering counselling and other support to LGBTQ+ people.
Please also enquire about the LGBTQ Wellbeing Group that we offer in Talking Therapies Southwark.
Email for more information.
Are finances affecting your mental health? Citizen’s Advice Bureau offers free, confidential advice and information that can help you with any money issue. To contact an advisor:
National Advice line (England): 0800 144 8848
Available: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays). Calls to Adviceline are free from mobiles and landlines.
(If you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: 18001 then 0800 144 8884. You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it).
Talk to an advisor online Talk to us about a debt problem - we can usually help between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Linkage Southwark provides befriending, activities and practical help to Southwark residents aged 60 and over.
Telephone: 020 8299 2623.