Therapy resources

Please find below some resources we often use in therapy. If you would like information about organisations and websites that might be of help, please visit our Other resources page.

Your Wellbeing videos and audio

Your Wellbeing Videos are a series of videos developed by TTS therapists. Each session includes a video PowerPoint presentation with voiceover by one of our therapists.

As well as a video about each topic, there are various activities and linked resources for you to explore. Our aim is for you to be able to actively engage with these materials and to take away goals and strategies that you can use.

Please note that these videos are hosted by YouTube and are subject to YouTube’s privacy and cookies policies.

Relaxation, breathing and mindfulness material

Worry Management - Disentangling from the Entangled Mind

Man looking at information on his mobile phone.

Behavioural activation booklets

Behavioural activation helps people to develop or get back into activities that are important to them. It involves planning activities and and looking at behaviours to see if behaviour change improves mood. Below are a series of booklets we have developed to support behavioural activation.