Four ways to get help

After registering your referral, our admin team will contact you to arrange a telephone consultation for about 30-40 minutes with a member of our team. Please let us know if a telephone appointment is not possible for you.
We will ask questions to
- ask for your consent for
- use of your information as described in the leaflet ‘Use of your personal information’. See Use of personal information by your local IAPT Southwark 2019.
- us to inform your GP about your referral
- collect demographic information such as your ethnic group and sexual orientation
- this is so we can make sure we are reaching all sections of the local community
- you don’t have to answer these questions if you don’t want to
- check we are the right service for you. To do this we need to know:
- your scores on the depression and anxiety symptom questionnaires (click here)
- the problems you want help with
We will tell you about the types of help we offer
- If we think we can help we will offer one of the initial treatment options in the first instance
- You can ask us questions so you can start to decide if we are the right service for you
Together we make an initial plan
Often, we decide your initial treatment option by the end of this first call, but sometimes we may arrange to speak again before this is confirmed. You may also want some time to think about what you would prefer.
Our service welcomes referrals from people of any background, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or religious faith.
Please note we are not crisis service. Click here for information about seeking urgent help.
To cancel or reschedule an appointment
- you can contact the admin team on 0203 228 2194
- or email
- or contact your therapist by phone or email if this has been agreed with them, but please note that therapists cannot pick up messages whilst with other clients, and many work part-time so will not be checking for messages every day
If leaving a message with the admin team by phone or email, please give
- your name
- day, time, and place of the appointment
- if possible, the name of the therapist you were due to see and explain whether
- you already have another appointment booked which you will attend – give the date and time if possible
- or you do not have further appointments scheduled and would like one so need someone to contact you to re-book – it’s helpful if you can make sure you are easily contactable or let us know when and how best to contact you
- or you do not wish / are unable to attend any further appointments. If this is an unplanned ending to therapy, your therapist is likely to contact you to check you are doing OK and have appropriate support in place, etc.
Please give us as much notice as possible (although we do understand that things can get in the way at the last minute).
Please note that due to demand for the service, we are only able to reschedule a limited number of missed appointments. Please discuss with your therapist if you have any questions about this. A copy of our attendance policy is available to download by clicking here.